Update, Tuesday, 10. March.2015: I noted today that, after several days of silence, comments regarding the kidnapping and threatened murder of the Vincentians --- priests, religious, associates, and their wives and children in Syria --- are now being added to the original report on the Vincentian site. I consider that this along with a second report linked in those comments serve to verify the truth of the story. I am sorry (and perhaps also relieved) to say that there are, however, still no further details, no clarifications, no expansions.
Let us persevere in our silent prayer and support for all the victims and all those suffering from the terrible sense of unknowing involved. In tomorrow's first reading we hear, [[However, take care and be earnestly on your guard not to forget the things which your own eyes have seen, nor let them slip from your memory as long as you live, but teach them to your children and your children's children.]] It is important not to let these people slip from mind or memory --- not because we want to sensationalize or validate ISIS or the hatred and horrific violence involved, but because we know these Christians as witnesses to faith in the crucified and risen Christ and the God revealed in those events as One who will bring good out of even the worst human beings do to one another. That is what we must teach our children and our children's children. We must continue to hold these witnesses and their loved ones in our hearts in a sacred anamnesis.
Again, the original post can be found here Horrific News From Syria.
10 March 2015
Update on Story of Syrian Kidnappings
Posted by
Sr. Laurel M. O'Neal, Er. Dio.
6:09 PM
Labels: Beheading of 21 Coptic Christians, Christian Martyrs, People of the Cross, sacred anamnesis, Society of St Vincent de Paul, Syria
07 March 2015
Concerns about the Story of the Vincentians in Syria?
[[Update, Tuesday, 10. March.2015: I noted today that, after several days of silence, comments regarding the kidnapping and threatened murder of the Vincentians --- priests, religious, associates, and their wives and children --- are now being added to the original report on the Vincentian site. I consider that this along with a second report linked in those comments serve to verify the truth of the story. There are, however, still no further details, no clarifications, no expansions. ]]
[[Dear Sister why has there been no more news on the story of the Society of St Vincent de Paul and the kidnappings in Syria? Are you concerned about the truth of the report?]]
Thanks for the question. The original post can be found here Horrific News From Syria, or just by scrolling down a couple of posts. I don't know why there has been no more news though perhaps it is an expression of prudent caution. I was concerned with the truth of the report within 24 hours of my own post because there was almost nothing else in the news. That was especially true since disinformation meant to inflame emotions and biases would serve ISIS's purposes. In any case, the only other post on this was on the Vincentian site. That continues to be true. I have checked the original site each day; the original post has not been removed, retracted, corrected, or clarified. When asked if there was any more news the only response has been there is NO additional news and that was the response of the priest who first posted the story. No additional comments have been added either.
These facts lead me to continue to believe the story is true and that the Vincentians have chosen to maintain silence in the matter. For instance, it would have been quite simple (and imperative) to report everyone is safe and the original story was mistaken if that were the case. We would all have simply rejoiced at that and let the rest go! If the site had been hacked and the report was fraudulent that too could have been easily remedied. It would have also been an important cautionary experience. At the same time I have not been asked to remove or retract my own posts. Should someone from the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, the Vatican, or my own diocesan Chancery request that, for instance, I would comply in half a heartbeat.
Until there is a correction, confirmation, or an update on the status of the people reported kidnapped and threatened with murder we must continue to pray and not allow our faith to be played off against authentic Islam. As already noted, we cannot allow ourselves to fall into hatred; at the same time we must renew our own baptismal commitments as People of the Cross of Christ. There are many Christians who are living in danger in the Middle East today. They have been deprived of homes, possessions, family, work, school, and the means to support themselves. They have lost precious worship spaces and seen the symbols of their faith demeaned, defaced, and destroyed. In a number of posts over the past year I have provided updates on Dominican Sisters in Iraq who have been in desperate circumstances. They have lost older Sisters due to stress and hardship and they have professed several young Sisters who as juniors have been thrown into vowed life and fulltime ministry under the most difficult conditions imaginable. Their story (the story of all these Christians in fact) is difficult, frightening, and also inspiring. They all need our prayers and our assistance.
Posted by
Sr. Laurel M. O'Neal, Er. Dio.
1:18 PM
Labels: Christian Martyrs, Dominican Sisters Iraq, Dominican Sisters Iraq --- how to assist, People of the Cross, Society of St Vincent de Paul, Syria
03 March 2015
Horrific News From Syria: Another Reminder of Why We Are People of the Cross

We have all been horrified by the news coming from Syria. As you know our Vincentian Family is spread across the world. We just got the following prayer request from one of our Vincentian Priests:
From Sister Monique, via Filles de la Charité, PARIS
Via, John Freund, CM Vincentian Website
Late Sunday afternoon on 1 March 2015, I received a message from M. Francoise, a delegate of the International Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and I managed to reach her by telephone. She was leaving for Paris, and collapsed at the news she had just received: members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Syria were kidnapped, along with their wives and children. The children were isolated and put into cages. Adults who do not deny their faith will be decapitated, and their children burned alive in the cages. M. Francoise had been in regular contact with several of them before all this occurred. She asked me to transmit the news and make a fervent appeal for prayers for these people, and all who are held hostage.
Let us remain fervently united in prayer, and have as our intention the welfare of all brothers and sisters in our Christian faith who are being held hostage.]]
It is especially important to remember that ISIS is intent on inflaming hatred and escalating tensions between Christianity and Islam. We cannot treat ISIS as though it is genuine representative of Islam. We cannot allow this story, how ever true it might be, to manipulate us into betraying our own faith and falling into hatred. Prayer is the only recourse we really have here and the only response which is appropriate. See also: We Are People of the Cross 1 and We Are People of the Cross 2
Posted by
Sr. Laurel M. O'Neal, Er. Dio.
3:15 PM
Labels: Christian Martyrs, People of the Cross, Society of St Vincent de Paul, Syria