19 September 2024

Marymount Hermitage, Diocese of Boise

 [[Dear Sister, do you know the name and location of the hermitage that was begun by two Sisters who became c 603 hermits in 1984? Apparently only one of the Sisters is still there and one has returned to her original religious congregation. I don't have much more information about it except that people in the area assist them with upkeep and other things.]]

Sure, I am pretty sure you are asking about Marymount Hermitage in Mesa, ID. They are part of the Diocese of Boise. I wrote about it here about four years ago: Marymount Hermitage. Sister M Beverly Greger is the single hermit living there now, while Sister Rebecca M Bonnell has returned to Oregon to live with their original congregation due to health issues.

Sister M Beverly can be reached at: Marymount Hermitage/ 2150 Hermitage Lane/ Mesa, Idaho 83643-5005 or sisterbeverly@marymount-hermitage.org. Sister Beverly says she reads emails daily but does not usually answer them. (She may leave that to others with appropriate instructions so she can protect her own solitude.) If you need to reach her you might provide a return number and possible times she can reach you. If you wish to leave a message by phone the number is (208) 256-4354 (this is a message phone only).  I first wrote them @1985 before email and they responded very helpfully via ordinary mail. Meanwhile, if you would like to know more about Marymount, feel free to google their website. Past and recent newsletters make good reading. You can also borrow books from their library.