Sure, we can try to work through Ponam in this way; it would be interesting and I am sure others will have questions (and likely insights to offer) as well. I have been asked several times over the past couple of years if I would write about Ponam; probably it is a good time to do that, and even more, to ask for contributions from c 603 hermits or those in formal discernment and formation processes with their dioceses!!
What I have written about the ecclesial nature of this vocation was not drawn from Ponam; it was a topic I first raised with Archbishop (then Bishop) Vigneron when I first met with him regarding my vocation on the Feast of the Sacred Heart in 2005. What I have written about a discernment and formation process is drawn from my own experience with c 603 and the task of writing my own Rule, but also from the example of the Desert Abbas and Ammas and, to a lesser degree, from the contemporary practice and theology of the Eastern Church --- I did not know about the novels of Justinian in the 6th Century until reading Ponam myself, but the Western Church has similar transitions regarding solitary hermits and their relationship with the Church.So, let me invite those who are interested, to read and contribute questions, observations, and insights into Ponam in Deserto Viam to do that. I think one way forward is for me to start by answering questions (whenever I get these) and then, over time if a true conversation eventuates, add relevant observations and insights from other readers. Suggestions are also very welcome! Please let me know if you are interested.