When we are very fortunate we will have been given by God the gift of great men and women formators, those who serve us as mentors, guides, older Brothers and Sisters in the faith and in our religious life. We recognize over time that we have been formed by the work we do with these gifted men and women, that God's Holy Spirit works through them and in us so that we are privileged to share their name in some way. While I never had a Benedictine Novice director, I have been privileged to read Benedict's Rule most days of my life for the past 30+ years and to have learned from Saint Benedict through his writing and his followers for many more years than this! Especially this includes the Sisters of Social Service and the Camaldolese --- both Camaldolese Monks and Nuns.
Today is the anniversary of Saint Benedict's passing into eternity, the day we mark his "transitus" or transition to a new form of life and presence with and for us. It is thus, also the day he became a co-formator for all of those Monks, Nuns, and Oblates who would follow him and his Rule into monastic (and eremitical) maturity as Benedictines of whatever stripe or habit. Thanks be to God for the gift of Saint Benedict and for his lifegiving presence with God and amongst us!!