Benedict's Rule was a humane development of
Rules already in existence. In it he truly sought to put down "nothing
harsh, nothing burdensome." Today's section of chapter 33 of the Rule of
St Benedict focuses on private possessions. The monk depends entirely
on what the Abbot/Abbess allows (another section of the daily reading
from the Rule makes it clear that the Abbot/Abbess is to make sure their
subjects have what they need!) Everything in the monastery is held in
common, as was the case in the early Church described in Acts. Today, in
a world where consumerism means borrowing from the future of those who
follow us, and robbing the very life of the planet, this lesson is one
we can all benefit from. Benedictine Oblate, Rachel M Srubas reflects on
the necessary attitude we all need to cultivate, living as we do in the
household of God:
Neither deprivation nor excess,
poverty nor privilege,
in your household.
Even the sheets on "my" bed,
the water flowing from the shower head,
belong to us all and to none of us
but you, who entrust everything to our use.
When I was a toddler,
I seized on the covetous power
of "mine."
But faithfulness requires the slow
unlearning of possession:
to do more than say to a neighbor,
"what's mine is yours."
Remind me what's "mine"
is on loan from you,
and teach me to practice sacred economics:
meeting needs, breaking even, making do.
From, Oblation, Meditations of St Benedict's Rule
prayers for and very best wishes to my Sisters and Brothers in the
Benedictine family on this Solemnity of St Benedict! Special greetings
to the Benedictine Sisters at Transfiguration Monastery, the Camaldolese monks at
Incarnation Monastery in Berkeley, and New Camaldoli in Big Sur, the
Trappistine Sisters at Redwoods Monastery in Whitethorn, CA, and all
those at Bishop's Ranch (Healdsburg, CA) who just participated in the
Benedictine Experience Retreat. (It was grand seeing several of you (Catherine and Sister Donald) and some other oblates last week at the Kathleen Norris presentation.) Happy celebrating today and all good wishes for the coming year!
11 July 2015
Solemnity of St Benedict (Reprise)
Posted by
Sr. Laurel M. O'Neal, Er. Dio.
12:02 AM
Labels: Saint Benedict, Solemnity of St Benedict