The Jubilee Year of Hope Logo
My Director sent me this today and I thought I would share it. We are approaching the Jubilee year of Hope, and I couldn't think of a better theme to focus ourselves on given the state of our world and the promise the Christ Event provides for that world! Being hopeful is not the same as wishing for things. Being hopeful rests, with all of its uncertainty and risk, upon a strong ground of certainty. In Christianity this strong ground is the Christ Event, all it achieved, and all it continues to achieve as we move forward to the day when heaven and earth completely interpenetrate one another and God is all in all. It is for this reason that I love the above logo used the cross as symbol of our faith, as sail, and as anchor in times of great storm. It reminds me a bit of the Carthusian logo with its Cross standing still and stable over a changing, turning world and under a canopy of seven stars (For St Bruno and his companions, founders of the congregation).
With Christ's nativity the story of heaven's interpenetration of earth begins a new and definitive chapter in God's story and the story of God's creation. That child's humble birth will lead inexorably through Jesus' life, ministry, passion and death. In our daily readings of this season, we do not linger in the daily readings over the nativity because everything in the story tends toward and follows from the cross of Christ. So it is with Christian life and especially with Christian hope. The Cross is that still, solid, stable point grounding and guiding our ability to hope at all. As we celebrate this season of joy and move into this new Jubilee year, let us do so with an awareness of the way the Christ Event allows us to be a People of Hope. God knows, our world needs us in this way!